SPECIALS: New Export Pallets Vented Crates


Large solid stack and nest plastic crate

Large solid stack and nest plastic crate
Stacking: Stackable, Nestable
External Length: 665 mm
External Width: 460 mm
External Height: 340 mm
Internal Length: 550 mm
Internal Width: 370 mm
Internal Height: 330 mm
Features: Solid
Volume: 74 litre
Load: 37 kg
Weight: 3 g
Material: PP 
Category: Food, Reusable/RPC, Solid

74L stackable and nestable plastic crate. Great for food processing and cold room storage.

Strong and durable
Impervious to acids, fats, solvents and odors
Resistant to moisture, insects and fungi

Large solid stack and nest plastic crate

* Container dimensions in mm (tollerance ֲ±0.2 mm)
* Container weight in g (tollerance ֲ±2%)
* In keeping with our goal of continuing product improvement, Plastic2go reserves the right to change material, design and specifications without notice or obligation
* Plastic2go is not responsible for any damage caused by improper use of container


Product Inquiry


NOTE: Plastic2go offers FREE and UNLIMITED product integration consulting for purchases over 600 pallets, 3,000 crates or 100 intermediate bulk containers. Please tell us if you'd like more information

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SPECIALS: New Export Pallets Vented Crates